A way to make my historical collection more widely available
This History section contains images and text. It has material about the products and companies I've worked with, as well as material related to the computer field. I have saved a lot of material, and took some pictures along the way. Audiences always seem to like my presentations that include this historical material, so I'm reproducing some of that here to reach those I cannot see in person.
I like learning from history, and hope the developers of other products who have created similar web sites (or are inspired to do it now!) will contact me and let me add links here to their sites. Those that have are listed in Other History Sites.
The Map on the left border is for navigation
This section of my web site is created as a Trellix document with a map to help you navigate around. You can click on the page icons in the map on the left to go directly to a particular page (the icons are the little white rectangles:  ). The horizontal lines represent sequences of related pages. Even though this section uses frames, all pages are bookmarkable (that is, you can link to them directly with a unique URL). I can't, however, guarantee that the page names will stay the same as I add more information and reorganize this section over time.
The photographs, text, and other content are not to be reproduced without permission.
© Copyright 1999-2009 by Daniel Bricklin. All Rights Reserved.
This section is preliminary and will be updated and filled in as Bob and I have the time to work on it. We have lots of great material for history fans. If there is something in particular that you want covered first, let me know!
Software Arts and VisiCalc
Software Garden
Some Historical Pictures
Other History Sites